Fully Folded Quadrupolar Sideband Manifold

Fully Folded Spinning Sideband Manifold

****** The System ****************************************
spectrometer(MHz)  500
spinning_freq(kHz) 10
channels           X(200 3/2)
nuclei             X
atomic_coords      *
cs_isotropic       *
csa_parameters     *
j_coupling         *
quadrupole         1 1000 0.25 0 0 0
dip_switchboard    *
csa_switchboard    *
exchange_nuclei    *
bond_len_nuclei    *
bond_ang_nuclei    *
tors_ang_nuclei    *
groups_nuclei      *
******* Pulse Sequence **************************************
timing(usec)      (1000)1024
power(kHz)         0
phase(deg)         0
freq_offs(kHz)     0
****** Variables *********************************************
fig_options="--lines '-,--,-'"
fig_title="Fully Folded Spinning Sideband Manifold"
******* Options **********************************************
rho0               I1x
observables        |3/2><1/2| |-1/2><-3/2| |1/2><-1/2|
EulerAngles        asgind100o
n_gamma            *
line_broaden(Hz)   0.5
zerofill           *
FFT_dimensions     1 Hz
options            -re -py
-- Each coherence is observed individuallly
-- Since the sideband manifold is completely folded, the first-order broadening is not visible in this spectrum and only the second-order broadening remains. Note that only the satellite transitions are actually folded, while the central transition is in the infinite spinning frequency limit here.
-- Specifying option -isf (use infinite spinning frequency approximation) with this input file leads to the same spectrum even for the satellite transitions b/c the ISF approximation is equivalent to the complete folding of hte sideband manifold
-- See quad_full for the full unfolded sideband manifold and quad_sb for an individual sideband