Welcome to SpinEvolution Software!
SpinEvolution is now distributed through a license subscription requiring a license fee. The only exception is made for strictly educational uses of SpinEvolution, such as in undergraduate or graduate level courses at academic institutions. The types of licenses available and the pricing can be viewed here.
Developing the software on a commercial basis allows us to bring it to a new level of quality and to maintain it at the cutting edge of science and technology in the future. This can be illustrated by the fact that at this time SpinEvolution is still about an order of magnitude more efficient than SIMPSON.
The following is the list of major enhancements implemented in the last few years:
- non-secular terms and the capability to simulate DNP
- new relaxation models; finite spin temperature
- dramatic improvements in simulation efficiency
- output data visualization
- spectral fitting
Please refer to the Software section of this site for more details on the presently available features and functionality.